Stories of a Wormhole (2022)
Artistic residency
Split, Croatia | 2022
This playlist compiles the videos that informed the audiovisual works presented during exhibition "In the Meantime of a Wormhole" (20.04.2022–20.05.2022, VBKÖ, Wien). What serves as the exhibition’s underlying theme is a future-gazing world-making agenda, one that becomes an orientation in situations of a sexual hook-up, a research investigation, or a sci-fi trope of the mankind populating a new planet. What if the act of taking off one’s T-shirt could be suspended and extended to several minutes? What if filling up a pool of theoretical concepts and academic references was not submitted to the menacing prospect of a journal-article submission deadline? What if the disgusting prospect of otherworldly human expansion was channeled into the agenda of social justice, not only applied now and everywhere but also extending beyond the human privileging? Reflecting on that, this exhibition’s works are affective and affectionate moments of duration trouble that ask the questions: “What happens in the meantime?” “What goes on while you *are* in a wormhole, however you define it?” While invested in storytelling, we (Maggessi/Morusiewicz) rely on non-mainstream film models, such as “poor images” and “operational images,” and employ them as affective audiovisual building blocks of film-deriving sculptural and performative forms. This exhibition’s wormhole is, therefore, a film-based trope and a film-making strategy, a way of thinking of the medium of film in expanded and syncretic ways: as a performative sound sculpture, an immersive room installation, and a strategy of critical reading.