exhibition curation
Galeria Krupa, Warsaw, Poland | 2021
curatorial text by request
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In television jargon, a cliffhanger is a plot device that consists in ending an episode or an entire season just when things are about to come to a head. The series then tilts on the edge of the metaphorical cliff, incentivising viewers to keep waiting by flooding them with a cocktail of curiosity and frustration. The endings of Dynasty episodes, spectacular and camp-like dramatic, were a key factor in boosting the popularity of the show, including in Poland, where it became a pop-culture phenomenon. Broadcast on the main public television channel in the first half of the 1990s, i.e. at a time of ultra-rapid political and economic transformation, the series tempted with a mirage of neoliberal wealth and success. Its heroes, gravitating around two families of oil tycoons, the Carringtons and the Colbys, lived super-lavish lifestyles. They wandered through the luxurious interiors, devoured caviar, and flew private jets whenever and wherever they wanted. At the same time, however, their lives were a never-ending sequence of intrigues and problems, forcing them to fight off enemies who wished to take away their property and lives (usually in that order).