Time Flies, Temporalities Crumble
21’29” | Experimental, Short
Austria | 2023
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"Time Flies" and "Temporalities Crumble" are two 2-channel found-footage films prepared within the context of the "Wormholes" project. Both films combine two major strands of our project's primary-source references: sci-fi films made during the Cold War era and pre-AIDS gay-porn artistic films. Coming from different places (mostly the U.S., but also the Soviet Union, Poland, and Japan), these sci-fi films are characterized by their pace, noticeably slower than their more contemporary genre counterparts. Their footage, mostly black-and-white, shows blinking flying saucers, pensive astronauts, confused space monsters, and leisurely-paced tarantulas, who and which all take their time. There's similar sprawling slowness in the pre-AIDS gay-porn artistic films: it manifests itself in the multitude of non-sexual intercourse scenes, which show the characters perform daily-routine activity, such as walking dogs, cooking breakfast eggs, taking showers, or sitting around and chatting; they frequently move around, by car or on foot, from location to location, and without a specific objective. While undeniably heavy on explicit non-simulated scenes of sexual encounters, these films open their sex-centric plots to lingering and narratively unpredictable moments of errantry. The cinema version consolidating both short films is scheduled in 2024.